
  • network

I’ve just started taking a network course in Udemy since I realized that I am sooo bad at networking -___- This post is referenced to IT Networking Fundamentals For Complete Biginners, Udemy If you guys want to look at it, here is the link! Full link

1. What is Networking?

1.1 Definition

  • A computer network is defined as the interconnection of two or more computers
  • It is done to enable the computers to communicate and share available resources
  • Exchange of data and information among users via network
  • Sharing of information over geographically wide areas

1.2 Components

  • Two or more computers
  • Cables as connections between the computers
  • A network interfacing card(NIC) on each computer
  • Switches
  • Software called operation system(OS)

1.3 Why do we Network?

  • Sharing
  • Connectivity
  • Hardware : A network allows users to share many hardware devices such as printers, modems, fax, machines, CD ROM, players, etc.
  • Software : sharing software resources reduces the cost of software installation, saves space on hard disk

1.4 Benetifs

  • Increased speed
  • Reduced cost
  • Improved security
  • Centralized software management
  • Electronic mail
  • Flexible access

1.5 Illustration

Source -> Transmitter -> Transmission -> Receiver -> Destination